Untitled-1Long before the first powdered donut, I met a little boy, Kethan. He was in 1st grade at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, along with our daughter, Kyla. He was wrestling with ALL (acute lymphocytic leukemia). At 6, he had already spent 2 years in treatment for cancer (his story in memoriam is told by LLS here). I met him as Maureen’s own cancer was recurring in the fall of 2008. His fight changed me and brought me to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I am privileged to have an organization like the Society to which to dedicate my time and equally honored to have not only been recently recognized as a National Volunteer but to have received the Chairman’s Citation award in 2016 and the President’s Award in Dallas on April 27, 2017, a day before what would have been Maureen’s 53rd birthday.

The fight with cancer is my #onething. It is my contribution to #teampowdereddonut. It is how I sprinkle love.

We don’t have to change everything. We just have to change our one thing, and if each of us indeed changes our one thing, then we will have changed everything. — Gary L. Thompson