Team Powdered Donut was born as a way to turn a day of great grief into a day of love and of joy. On the morning of October 21, 2014, the love of my life, Maureen Diercxsens Thompson, passed from this world to to the next in Austin, Texas after an on and off 11 year battle with breast cancer. The story of the donut is told at The Love of My Life.
Gary, Taylor, Kyla, and Katelyn are at the heart of Team Powdered Donut, however as our family sprinkles the love of the powdered donut through our own activities, it is our dream that the powdered donut become a powerful symbol of #thepowerofone. Each one of us, like Maureen, can make a difference in the world through our love.
Gary and Maureen were married on July 14, 1990 in Evanston, Illinois. Taylor, Kyla and Katelyn are the greatest expression of our love and the enduring legacy of Maureen in this world. As Gary frequently notes when he speaks, “We don’t have to change everything. We just have to change our one thing, and if we each indeed change our one thing, then we have changed everything.” That is the power of our #onething and the meaning of the powdered donut.